A MP3 version of the talk can be found here. Rowan Williams has written another hugely significant book, one ripe with meaning for now. In this talk, I unpack its themes of non-dualism and Trinitarian life, eros and kenosis, politics and justice, seeing truthfully and destroying the world. 0:39 Addressing the Anthropocene 1:28 The need… Continue reading Nondualism, Divine Life and Now – on Looking East in Winter by Rowan Williams
Tag: Rowan Williams
Freedom to be – on Iain McGilchrist and Rowan Williams
Iain McGilchrist and Rowan Williams were in dialogue on Friday 19th February 2021, a beautiful exchange that was sadly not recorded. Here I offer some thoughts on it, particularly in the light of reflections offered by Matt Segall. It concerns transcendence and immanence, being and becoming, eternity and processes in space and time – or… Continue reading Freedom to be – on Iain McGilchrist and Rowan Williams