I am a psychotherapist and writer, interested in spirituality and inner life. I have a PhD in ancient philosophy, as well as degrees in physics and in theology. Cont’d
Many of life’s troubles are rooted in parts of ourselves of which we’re only partially aware, which is why it’s possible to struggle with problems for years. Cont’d
Spiritual Intelligence
My latest book on the evolution and flourishing of the distinctive capacity that makes us Homo spiritualis.
The Last Inkling
The ideas of Owen Barfield, friend of CS Lewis, and my exploration based on them, A Secret History of Christianity.
Dante’s Divine Comedy
The Divine Comedy changes lives. My introduction, Dante’s Divine Comedy: A Guide for the Spiritual Journey.
Podcasts and Talks
Discussions with Rupert Sheldrake, YouTube talks, online courses with The Idler and more.
Latest Articles
- How does memory work? A conversation with Rupert Sheldrake
- What did Socrates teach? On understanding Plato
- To see a world in a grain of sand. Poetry & philosophy for a civilisation in distress
- Hallam v the State, and free speech. The Just Stop Oil desecrations are calling to our humanity
- Chance and accidents, indeterminism and prayer. A conversation with Rupert Sheldrake
- Is hell really boring? Rowan Williams & Jesse Armstrong, Dante & William Blake
- Cultural Christianity kills. Taking Blake's Christianity seriously. William on Jesus
- Trans activism, transhumanising, economic transition. Proxies for vision & the lost soul of politics
Upcoming Events
Do have a browse through my talks and articles online, perhaps via my YouTube channel, Dante podcast and blog.