Matters of Life and Death – conversation with Rupert Sheldrake

Covid has brought the reality of death into the centre of our lives, but what can we learn about death in response? This episode of the Sheldrake-Vernon Dialogues, with Rupert Sheldrake and Mark Vernon, is prompted by a sense that part of the anxiety arising from the pandemic is living in a culture that has… Continue reading Matters of Life and Death – conversation with Rupert Sheldrake

The Experience of Life and the Nature of the Afterlife

Modern Christianity, at least as expressed by the church, has become very confused about the afterlife. So can our experience of life now, illuminated by wisdom traditions and modern science, offer a way into this perennial question? I’ve written more fully about these things in my book, A Secret History of Christianity. See here –… Continue reading The Experience of Life and the Nature of the Afterlife