An MP3 version of this talk is on my podcast, Dante’s Divine Comedy, which can be found on your podcast feed.
The liberal world and western churches increasingly seem to suffer from the lack of a sophisticated understanding of erotic love – an approach not merely governed by morals but arising from insight into who we are and our deepest nature.
Erotic love can be felt on nearly every page of the Divine Comedy, in perverted and desperate forms, as well as in free and joyous souls.
He understood that eros has a goal as it draws us towards God, though that goal is readily thwarted as we traverse its energies. Rules minimally help because love must be combined with light and learnt about from within experience and reflection.
Love fills the cosmos. It will not let us go. So how can a path be navigated from the passions that can trap us to the delight that is connection with all?
For more on Mark’s book, Dante’s Divine Comedy: A Guide for the Spiritual Journey, see here.