I have two podcast channels, hosted by buzzsprout, that can be found on podcast feeds – Dante’s Divine Comedy and Talks and Thoughts.
Talks with Rupert Sheldrake
My YouTube channel

The power of devotion. A thought for Idler Drinks from Sri Narayani Peedam

Evolution. From natural selection to omega point. A conversation with Rupert Sheldrake

Physics and reality. Francis Lucille on the nature of matter, the flaws of panpsychism & God

On Mysticism. With Simon Critchley on his new book, inc. figures from Mother Julian to Annie Dillard

A short burst on the difference between human intelligence and AI from my car. #livewithAIs

In Search of Wild Gods. Reflections on Nick Cave and Tom Holland in conversation about Christianity

Meister Eckhart's Christmas Sermon One. Where is the Word born and how?

Forms and the Reformation of Science. A conversation with Rupert Sheldrake

"Enemies of the Human Race." William Blake on how to know God

The gospel, sexual desire and the abuse scandals in the church. What has the erotic to do with God?

Truth and the Antichrist. Martin Shaw & Mark Vernon

Put love into the machine. Martin Shaw & Mark Vernon

Martin Shaw & Mark Vernon talk about the new interest in Christianity and where it might be headed

Purposes in nature and minds. A conversation with Rupert Sheldrake

Does the Consolation of Philosophy offered by Boethius, still work, 1500 years on?

Living in an Age of Spiritual Crisis, with Rupert Sheldrake 17th February, 2025 The Temenos Academy, 18 Lincoln's Inn Fields
Philosophy Slam! live in person 21st February, 2025 The Union Club, London
To see the World in a Grain of Sand. Willliam Blake’s Visionary Christianity 22nd February, 2025 C G Jung Club, London
The Realisation Festival 26th June, 2025 - 29th June, 2025 St Giles House, Dorset