So what does Rob Bell actually say?

The twitter megarow over the new book by megachurch pastor, Rob Bell, is a peculiarly American affair. Called Love Wins, it’s attractively presented/cleverly marketed by the publishers, provoking a top ten twitter trend a week or so back. The nature of the row? Universalism. Is everyone saved by Jesus or not? Very American. (Sorry: Bell… Continue reading So what does Rob Bell actually say?

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Doing doubt

Listening to the first programme on doubt with a bunch of friends, it was interesting how they picked up on different things. One noted the link, made by Angie Hobbs, between resisting doubt and seeking control. Angie said: ‘Is this really a debate about control and a delusion that we can control the world and… Continue reading Doing doubt

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In Doubt We Trust

If you missed the first programme, but fancy a listen, it’s here on BBC iPlayer…

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To Spring

The hills tell one another, and the listening Valleys hear; all our longing eyes are turn’d Up to thy bright pavilions: issue forth And let thy holy feet visit our clime! William Blake

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The tyranny of thanks

It was my turn to do the Evening Standard column… Recall the last time a child – perhaps your niece or nephew, your son or daughter – said thank you to you. How delighted were you by their gratitude? How warm was the glow inside? And now think again. What kind of pressure was on… Continue reading The tyranny of thanks

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